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EMS-8000 Digi

Ultra Wide

High-end, precision scanner system

with advanced digital servo driver.

Special servo tuning and optimized

mirror set for 90 x 90 deg scanfield

The EMS-8000 UW Digi  is capable of projecting a 2m wide image from 1m distance !

Key features include :  (differences from standard EMS-8000 in bold)

Galvo Motor

- Low inductance coreless design for the fastest acceleration

- Unparalleled heat transfer from coil to case, thanks to a novel bonding technique

- Greatly increased ball bearing lifetime, using an ''inside-out'' ball preloading

- High precision monolithic differential position detector cancels mismatch between discreet elements

- Position detector amplifier is built into the scanner, giving high S/N ratio while avoiding the need for

   cumbersome dual shielded cables



- Fused silica substrate with whiteligt dielectric, YAG or CO2 coatings, flatness l/4 over 10mm diameter.  

- Mirrors are designed and cut/milled inhouse. We have developed a special CNC setup for cutting and 3D

   milling of mirror sheets, with 0.01mm precision.

- Special mirror set to support 90x90deg scanfield with up to 4.5mm apertures

- Unique back thinned mirrors with ceramic center supports, offer low inertia and high stiffness.

   This translates to higher speeds, lower heat load for the motors and out of band resonances.

- Oversized mirror design to support 'square' beam profiles from diode matrix lasers.  

Servo Driver

- Digital dual axis servo driver. Small dimensions, similar to most analog drivers on the market.

- Modified PID based control with extra filters and prediction enhancements.

- Canceling of mirror or rotor resonances without a notch-filter.

- Scanner position calculation using signal ratio method. No analog components (AGC) to keep the excitation

   led steady, keeping drifts to a minimum.

- Special tuning for 35K ILDA speed with excellent large angle performance.

- Pincushion and f-theta distortion correction in realtime, using mathematical calculations (not matrix tables

   and fit curves). Ideal for additive manufacturing. The system designer does not have to cope with complex

   routines in his control software. For laser display, it makes the projection ''square'', much like a video


- Motor protection routine de-tunes the servo when overloaded and keeps the power to the coil at safe levels.

- Integrated scan safety routine for laser display, blocks the laser when the beam velocity drops below a

   certain limit. Threshold speed and activation time are adjustable via USB. Perfect match for our NanoAct


- Two general purpose outputs, activated from specific patterns being sent to the driver. Control devices or

   energize actuators for ''beam table'' type effects in laser display, without extra setup.


Power requirements..............................+/-24V DC,  2.5A per rail

Control voltage.........................................+/-5V differential, +/-10V single ended

Scan field...................................................90 degrees optical 

Linearity.....................................................99.9% over 40deg optical

Pincushion / f-theta correction...........99.5% over 40deg optical

Small step response, 4.5mm..............270μsec (35K ILDA speed) 

Coil resistance.........................................2.2 Ohms

Realtime position out ...........................+/-10V

Beam velocity flag out...........................TTL Low @ low speed, TTL High @ high speed

Auxilliary outputs....................................TTL High when servo detects a  <2% sized pattern                                                                        positioned at one of the 4 corners of the scanfield.

                                                              Left side activates out1, right side activates out2.

Data connection.......................................Micro USB, Windows (tm) Application

All our products are 100% designed and manufactured in Greece

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